If it helps, I'm running perl 5.8.5 for RHEL4 and POE 0.32.

I'm using POE to tail multiple logfiles using POE::Wheel::FollowTail to pull
out IP addresses that are attempting to use dictionary attacks to harvest
email addresses on our network in one session.  I store the originating
connection's IP, along with a timestamp, and other information in the
session's heap, then loop through every 5 minutes to expire information
older than 1 minute (we do alot of mail).  In a child session, I'm reporting
the offending IPs.

Although I'm deleting the expired members of the heap, RAM is still being
consumed and not released.

I've read that a Session won't be cleaned up until all references to it have
been removed.  However, I'm not sure this is ever happening because I'm
saving a copy of the Wheels in the Session's heap.  Could this be the cause
of my problem, or am I confused?


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