I don't seem to get POE::Wheel::Run working with a subroutine.

It's emitting text to STDOUT, which should trigger a "captured" event
in POE. Do you know why the script below never reaches the
"captured" state?

2006/06/04 21:36:44 child sleeping
2006/06/04 21:36:44 done printing

use POE qw(Wheel::Run);
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

  level => $DEBUG,
  file  => ">>/tmp/wheel.log"});

  inline_states => {
    _start => sub {
      my $w = POE::Wheel::Run->new(
        Program => sub { DEBUG "child sleeping";
                         $|++; print "foo\n";
                         DEBUG "done printing";
                         sleep 10;
        StdoutEvent => "captured",
    captured => sub {
      my ($heap, $input, $wheel_id) = @_[HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
      DEBUG "Child process in wheel $wheel_id wrote to STDOUT: $input";

-- Mike

Mike Schilli

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