I don't know your reasons for FTP, but are you stuck on it?

My preferred method for doing this has been to just mount a windows share
via SMB/CIFS, and use it like just-another-unix-filesystem.  IMHO There's no
good reason to write networking code where file IO will suffice.  Just
another point of failure.

You did mention that it's all inside the firewall, and your windows Server
probably already has the directory in question shared.  (C$ at the least!)
All you need then is a mount statement, either manually in your script, or
automounted in your /etc/fstab.  
A note though, If you use win 2k3 - you will need CIFS, not samba, to mount
with proper permissions.  This is easier on a 2.6 series kernel, as the 2.4
series, (on slackware at least,) has to be patched for cifs support.
(Though it really is quite easy to do.)


Gavin McDonald
EVI Logistic Enterprises
phone: (604) 313-3845

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff McCarrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:01 PM
> To: poe@perl.org
> Subject: using POE and ftp to build a win32 <-> *nix job system?
> Hi folks.
> I need to create a system that
>   - moves some files generated on a *nix system to a win32 system
>   - does some processing on those files
>   - moves the results back to the *nix system
> The win32 system is the server side of the connection,
> and it needs to be able to support multiple clients,
> be highly available, etc.  All of the usual daemon reqs,
> except for security.  This is running inside the firewall,
> so I don't have to worry about that class of problems.
> My thought is to use POE and some of the FTP modules to handle
> the file transfers for a couple of reasons:
>   - I don't want to deal with \r\n <-> \n line ending conversions
>   - the result files are not text files
> My first thought was that POE and, in particular,
> POE::Component::Client::FTP and
> POE::Component::Server::FTP,
> were perfect matches, but the comments at
> http://poe.perl.org/?POE_Components_List
> are not inspiring to say the least.
> I could fall back to using Net::FTP and Net::FTPServer, I think,
> but that would make my client and server pretty chunky, and not
> very cooperative-multitasking-friendly.
> I've been through most all of the POE tutorials and docs, and
> I have the control protocol that I want the client and server
> to talk worked out pretty well.
> But I'm unclear on how best to leverage the POE and FTP combination.
> So I seek your wisdom: if it were your decision, which would you choose?
> Thanks in advance...
> -- jeff

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