Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

"Rocco" == Rocco Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rocco> + The sig() reference count has been removed.  There will be much  
Rocco> and probably some gnashing of teeth.

I've not been following.  Is this an even-numbered week or an odd numbered
week?  As in, if a session is waiting for a real or artificial signal is that
still enough to keep it alive, or has that now gone away?  If it's gone away,
what's the pattern I'll need to keep it around... create an artifically
delayed bogus event?

No, using sig() is now not enough to keep it alive. However, it is enough if you use the new sig_child().

The easiest way to keep it around is however to just slap an alias onto your session.


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