Looks like all the setup stuff for the device is done with POSIX
inside of Device::SerialPort using POSIX::Termios. Doing all of the
setup for the device could be handled in the constructor of the
Driver. I didn't look much farther, but this does look doable.

On 12/6/06, Robert Landrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Matt Sickler wrote:
> isnt serial comms done with readwrite on /dev/serialdevice or something?
> although that is a good idea to write a Driver for serial comms.

Not exactly.  A serial device is actually a little bit of hardware (the
serial port, if you will) that you have to tell how to function.  You
set things like baud rate, parity, and other options (there are dozens)
before you begin communicating.  Once both serial devices (the serial
port in your machine, and the device you're connecting to) have the same
options set (for the most part) they may only then begin communicating.

The actual communication is usually done using a file descriptor, at
least in POSIX, but that's not really what's happening.  Data written to
the file descriptor is sent to a buffer in the serial port hardware.
The hardware then transmits the contents of the buffer across the line.
  Data received by the serial port generally triggers an interrupt,
which the operating system recognizes and copies the data from the
serial port buffer to the file descriptor.

At least that's how I remember it.  I'm by no means an expert on the
subject.  In general however, I would use Device::SerialPort as that is
what I have used successfully in the past.  And it's cross platform.

Your biggest problem in creating a POE component for serial
communication will be the configuration of the serial device and how to
handle errors related to that device.  I think baud rate, parity, stop
bits, and data bits are going to be the configuration parameters you'll
need to provide access to, at a minimum.  You'll also want some way to
re-establish a connection that fails, for some reason, as well as
provide a way for the user to take actions on various errors.  You might
also run into some blocking issues, since I'm not sure how buffer over
runs are handled by the Device::SerialPort.  Sending too much data
across the wire could very well cause the serial port to block, which
kinda defeats the purpose, especially in POE.

Good luck,


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