Seems like a great place to put an equivalent function in a module though, don't let it discourage you, in fact such a module would be quite valuable! Allow me to be volunteer as (one of) your documentation monks and testers as well ;).

Reinhard Pagitsch wrote:
I want to make a new module like the POE::Component::DirWatch,but for processes, using the module
Today it is only an idea,but ...

But ok, I have to investigate more research as I believed.


Nicholas Perez wrote:
Do you want to extend POE itself, or publish to CPAN something that
uses POE? Because if the latter, all of the typical CPAN packaging
still applies and all of the normal rules of package; still apply. The
API, the guts, the whatever is up to you. If you want to look at how
other people did it, search CPAN for just about anything in the
POE::Component namespace. If you want to implement something lower
level (A Wheel, or a Filter) the same search applies but with
POE::Wheel and POE::Filter, respectively. For the initiate, I wouldn't
probably look too deeply into the modules that come along with POE.
They can have scary guts.



On 1/18/07, Reinhard Pagitsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am sorry if my question is stupid but I did not find anything about it
on the

Is there a documentation,cookbook how to create own modules for POE?

Thank you,

PM Mails an rpirpag <at> gmx dot at

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