You may want to look at POE::Component::IKC



On 4/24/07, Craig Votava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


First of all, thanks to everyone involved with POE! I've
just been learning about it and am anxious to retrofit
some of my existing tools to use it. It's fantastic!

I'm struggling with choosing the right design alternative
while still being in the dark about what all my available
options might be.

Basically, I have a tool that parses ascii data, organizes
it into appropriate "things", then slaps them up in a GUI
(using ptk) and let's the user have at them. The current
implementation reads all the input first, then goes into
the GUI mainloop.

I want to change this so that the tool handles realtime
input of the data, parsing it as it comes in, then feeding
it to the GUI.

I've gone through the (excellent) "Evolution of a POE
Server" (,
and have successfully built my POE based data input
session. I've also built a simple POE based GUI session
for displaying the input in a text window (based on
the cookbook "Tk Interfaces").

Now I'm wondering how I should get the data from the
input session to the GUI session? This is what I refer
to as inter-session data transfer.

In my original design, I implemented a version of the
publisher/subscriber pattern as a perl package for my
own use. Should I simply use this? Are there any other
options out there that I should consider?

Any thoughts are appreciated!


-Craig Votava

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