Hello all,

First of all, I just wanted to give a great big thank you to Rocco and crew
for creating and supporting POE.  So far it has been a wonderful environment
to work with.

Secondly,  I seem to have reached a limitation on the maximum number of
concurrent TCP connections with POE::Component::Server::TCP.
It seems to peak out around 2000.  I am aiming for about 10_000 concurrent
connections.  At first I thought this was a problem with my Windows 2000 IP
stack and I'm still fairly positive that it is, but being unable to find any
definitive answers after playing around for a while, I thought I would ask

The error:
Server 2 got accept error 24 (Too many open files).

After that point the server stops accepting any new incoming connections.

My first question is:  Is 10,000 simultaneous a realistic goal?
Secondly,  is this a POE issue or an operating system issue?

I know this is outside the realm of the POE mailing list but worth
First I adjusted
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters to be
a sufficiently large number (0x00fffffe).
I found some documentation that suggest playing with the TCB cache size but
that seems to me to only improve the lookup times when you have a large
number of active connections and should not effect the ability to send a
syn/ack.  That's why I'm fairly sure this is an OS issue.
Second I traced the source just to make sure that $_[HEAP]->{concurrency}
was equal to -1 (unlimited).

Does anyone have any experience with this?
Is the error mentioned above have anything to do with system level file
handles or is it, as the source code documentation mentions, an attempt to
mimic the unix mentality of "everything is a file" and it's actually a
windows socket issue?

Someone else suggested that this may be a perl compile time limitation
though I cannot find anything in the perl source mentioning limitations of
this sort.

Feel free to tell me to go ask a windows mailing list (but please suggest
one ;).
Thank you!

Zachary Payton

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