Hi, I'm building a Win32 POE application that need to make a non-blocking call 
to a function in an external Perl package. This function takes references to 
Perl objects and array references (however no subroutine refs).  I've looked at 
the options for completing this sort of task with POE::Component::Child & 
Wheel::Run + Filter::Reference, however there seems to be one limiting factor 
here - Win32 fork emulation. The Win32 fork emulation seems very buggy. In 
tests I've used with Wheel::Run I get fork failures (i.e. "fork() failed: 
Resource temporarily unavailable") after the 64 calls of fork from the parent 
process. See the attached simple example that demos the error: use strict;
use warnings; my $COUNT = 0;
my $MAXFORK = 2**6; while ( $COUNT <= $MAXFORK ) {
    my $pid = fork();
    die "fork() failed: $!" unless defined $pid;
    if ($pid) {
        print "Fork count $COUNT\n";
    else {
        # in child
} Also when running a code subroutine, passing in variables, with Wheel::Run 
and Filter::Reference I get huge memory leaks after the forked off child thread 
exits. I can't exactly track where the leaks are occurring, but it seems to 
have something to do with including packages at runtime using the "require" 
keyword. I also get the same issues with POE::Component::Child which is no 
surprise considering it also uses Wheel::Run + Filter::Reference. I was hoping 
if someone might have any suggestions as to how I might come up with a solution 
to this problem. Moving from Win32 to *NIX is not an option.  I have thought 
about using Win32::Process and running a Perl process in the background (so the 
kernel can take responsibility for the memory allocation etc) and then having a 
POE delayed event that checks every second or so to see if the process is 
complete. I’m however unsure on how to pass specific runtime variables to the 
spawned off Perl process. Any help on fixing POE::Wheel::Run or providing 
another solution would be greatly appreciated. I’m using WinXP SP2, ActiveState 
Perl v5.8.8 Build 820 and POE 0.9917. ThanksJeremy


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