On 7/11/07, Kevin Scaldeferri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does the application spend much time waiting on IO?  If so, POE might
improve your throughput.  Although, it could also lead to increased
database contention.  If you're already spending most of your time in
CPU, I doubt POE can help your performance.

But, even if the performance is the same, that's not to say POE isn't
suitable.  POE is much nicer than the alternatives for multiplexing
IO, and there's good library support for both email and DBI.

A question, though... if this app is as simple as you say, why are
you rewriting it?  What are you hoping to gain?

Ah, the current system is a bunch of c code from IRIS and PRIME days
that we are moving up to an Itanium system. A lot of the c code is
being trashed as those functions are no longer used and we are going
to re-do the bulk of it in Perl. I didn't say it was simple just my
explanation of the process was "basic".  : )

Basically we will have some c code to do the heavy math and Perl with
XS interfacing with those.

The flow is an email comes in and if it is flagged "good" it gets
processed. Processed here means that a lat/long it taken and routes
are calculated for ship positioning and other stuff. The lat/long and
ship identifiers are written to the Oracle database after it is parsed
out of the email and then a bunch of other tables are updated for
routes and related stuff.

So basically I was think that I could setup events to monitor the
"good" drop directory and then process those in "parallel" (all theory
of course). It may be I can just use POE to handle the whole process
more "nicely".

Does POE have any issues running for a long length of time? We
basically have a daemon running that waits for the emails to come it.


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