On Thu, 12 Jul 2007, Stefano Cislaghi wrote:

> sub client_got_pong {
>    my ( $kernel, $session ) = @_[ KERNEL, SESSION ];
>    # The original request is returned as the first parameter.  It
>    # contains the address we wanted to ping, the total time to wait for
>    # a response, and the time the request was made.
>    my $request_packet = $_[ARG0];
>    my ( $request_address, $request_timeout, $request_time ) =
> @{$request_packet};
>    # The response information is returned as the second parameter.  It
>    # contains the response address (which may be different from the
>    # request address), the ping's round-trip time, and the time the
>    # reply was received.
>    my $response_packet = $_[ARG1];
>    my ( $response_address, $roundtrip_time, $reply_time ) =
> @{$response_packet};
>    # It is impossible to know ahead of time how many ICMP ping
>    # responses will arrive for a particular address, so the component
>    # always waits PING_TIMEOUT seconds.  An undefined response address
>    # signals that this waiting period has ended.
>    if ( defined $response_address ) {
>        printf( "%-15.15s up %6.3fs\n",
>            $request_address, $roundtrip_time
>        );
>    }
>    else {
>        printf( "%-15.15s down 0.000\n",$request_address) ;
>    }
> }

Here's the part I'm talking about, this last else stanza. It will fire, 
every time.

Try this:
my ($req_address, $req_timeout, $req_time)      = @$request;
my ($resp_address, $roundtrip_time, $resp_time, $resp_ttl) = @$response;

# The response address is defined if this is a response.
if (defined $resp_address) { output("$resp_address is having a party\n"); }
elsif(defined $req_address) { output("Ping timeout: $req_address"); }
else { print("Pong: empty event?\n"); }

- billn

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