On 31/07/2007, at 8:44 AM, Kevin Scaldeferri wrote:

The system I'm working on has a number of page requests which can take a long time to return the results to the user. Not to surprisingly, the users don't like looking at a blank page for 30-60 seconds before the reply comes back and finally renders. I'm wondering what techniques other people use for dealing with this sort of thing, and if there are POE components to help out with it.

One approach would be to return a placeholder page that says "working on your request <spinner>" that periodically refreshes until the request is done. I know how to do this using a unique request identifier in the URL, but I'm not sure how to make this play well with bookmarking or emailing URLs to other people.

I could also just send some header HTML out right away, then wait until everything else is ready to send the rest of the page, but this approach seems counter to how most of the templating systems want to work. Is there some straightforward way to combine HTML templating and partial page loading? Of course, this approach still leaves the user sitting looking at an unchanging page for quite a while.

My ideal UI would be some sort of AJAXy UI with status messages being replaced with results as they come in, but since I basically know nothing about how to implement that sort of thing, and I'd need to substantially re-engineer my application to do it, I'm hoping to find some sort of acceptable partial solution that will work while I learn how to do what I really want.


You haven't really detailed anything about what you're doing. Are you using a web-framework? which HTTP server? what are you using POE for? etc.

From your basic overview I would be assigning a unique ID to a task (possibly associated with a specific user's session if you desire) and including that in the query parameters ( http://server/page? taskid=12345 ) and have your page return a 'refresh' header and some pretty waiting message until the task is complete. This means your UI will be constantly pulling information from the backend, saying "is it ready yet?".

On the other hand, your 'ideal UI' would involve pushing events from the POE application server to the client UI, instead of having the UI pull results from the backend. This is the sort of thing being done on the Cometd project so you may wish to have a look around there ( http://www.cometd.com ). There's lots of collaboration between the Cometd, POE and Catalyst projects so you shouldn't have a hard time integrating something like this.


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