On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 11:10:16AM -0700, Kevin Scaldeferri wrote:
> I need to add SSL to my web server implemented in POE.  At the  
> moment, I'm familiar with 3 HTTP server implementations:
> PoCo::Server::TCP + POE::Filter::HTTPD
> PoCo::Server::HTTP
> PoCo::Server::SimpleHTTP
> Of these, the last seems to be the only one that has an option for  
> SSL support.  Before I start switching my whole app over to using  
> that library, I'm wondering if there's any other option that I've  
> missed.

Well, PoCo::Server::SimpleHTTP uses PoCo::SSLify to do the SSL stuff.
Would it be more work to rewrite your app to use another library, or to
patch your current http server component to SSLify its socket?



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