On Aug 24, 2007, at 7:26 AM, Kidney Bingos wrote:

On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 04:32:49PM -0700, Kevin Scaldeferri wrote:
[I sent this previously to the module maintainer, but got no
response.  Maybe someone else knows.]

Yeah, sorry for not replying, I've been busy recently and let my email backlog

I had a question about SSL support in SimpleHTTP.  When it is enabled
on my server, if someone goes to an "http://"; URL, they just get a
blank page, which isn't all that nice.  Is there some way to have it
redirect them to the "https://"; version?

I believe what you would need to do is create two SimpleHTTP instances, the first will listen on port 80 ( without SSL enabled ) and have a simple handler for .* that then redirects to the path with https://, usually achieved
with a HTTP 301 response.

The second instance would be listening on 443 ( with SSL enabled ).

Does that make sense ?

Yeah, it makes sense, and for a standard configuration would definitely work. However, in my case I have to have the application running on an odd-ball port (and only one port). However, since the users of this webserver are either other machines or developers, I may just decide to not worry about this and insist that the clients just need to do things right.


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