lanas wrote:

> > By 'book' I do not mean for instance something like 'Perl in a
> > Nutshell'.  I do not mean a printout of the OO Perl documentation.  I
> > rather mean a real book, like Damian's 'Object-Oriented Perl' or one of
> > the 'Advanced Perl Programming'.  Or even 'Higher Order Perl'.  You
> > know, not a technical reference, but an actual book.
> >
> >   
Simon Cozens rewrite of Advanced Perl Programming does have a POE
chapter - that's where I read about POE first.

I mainly read tech books via my on-line Safari Bookshelf, to avoid
filling up my home with obselete references. (Either obselete because
the technology changed, or because my priorities changed!)

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