Hi, Martin.

There currently isn't a way to do this. Nicholas Perez has been working on a patch for out-of-band Filter messaging, however. He seems close to being finished, too. Given this, it should be easier to report failures within Stackable.

Meanwhile, you can use Filter::Line in Client::TCP, and in your input handler pass the lines through Filter::JSON yourself. It's more work, but it will do what you need until better filter exceptions come along.

Oh, and this might actually be your long-term solution depending on how Filter::JSON deals with invalid data. If it remains in the filter buffer, then the filter becomes stuck. To move on, you may need to destroy the stuck filter and create a new one.

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Oct 11, 2007, at 12:06, Martin Evans wrote:


I want to catch errors from a filter and cannot see how to go about it. My stacked filter contains Filter::Line, and Filter::JSON and they are attached to ClientFilter in POE::Component::Server::TCP. When invalid JSON arrives I get something like:

Couldn't convert json to object: 'false' expected, at character offset 0 ["fred\r"] at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/JSON/Any.pm line 102.

appearing on my terminal.

I have seen the thread "Filter error reporting" back in August but could not find a resolution. Is there any way to handle errors from Filter::JSON in this scenario?

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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