Probably the easiest method would be to modify the Filter::HTTPD that
the PoCo uses.

On 10/12/07, Ashley Pond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi. (Long time casual fan, occasional user of POE, first time wisdom
> seeker.)
> I have a POE app I'm working on/with which uses PoCo::HTTP::Client. I
> want to attach some additional security to the application's calls to
> its remote API server.
> My idea is to take a user keyed signature of the request as_string
> (always going to be POST) and stuff it in a new header, like
> "X-signed-post" or whatever. The security stuff (keys and certificates
> and checks) are all done and working great in other places. I just need
> to figure out where to hook into *every* HTTP::Request object that goes
> through the application. It could be done on each HTTP::Request before
> it's given to the app but that would be tedious, less secure, and leave
> duplicated code everywhere.
> I think I need to subclass PoCo::Client::HTTP::Request, right? Just
> override new(), add my signature header, then SUPER::new(@_). But where
> do I plug PoCo::Client::HTTP::Request back into the application? It's
> spawning a PoCo::Client::HTTP for its ua.
> I see that Daisuke Maki touched on plugging in the request class here:
> Did that make it into the code base? Any other ideas if not?
> Sorry to be a bit dumb about it but I really do not want to write the
> code twice, or make it messy (server/client code can get hard to read
> quickly if not written as cleanly as possible), or get it plain wrong
> and wonder why it isn't working.
> Thank you!
> -Ashley

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