On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 09:45 -0600, Craig Votava wrote:
> Folks-
> I'm just starting with POE, and have a question on how to prioritize  
> my event loops (and if I'm logically creating the right number of  
> event loops).
You don't generally have more than one event loop. (not even sure if
that is even possible)

> I need to write a program to help the user analyze data coming in  
> >from a live data feed (incoming UDP or TCP). This means that the  
> program needs to do the following (in priority order, highest to  
> lowest):
> 1.) Read in the raw data from the data feed (highest)
> 2.) Do any user events in the ptk loop
> 3.) Parse the raw data into cooked data whenever there are idle  
> cycles (lowest)
> I've created loop #1 by tailoring the "TCP server with IO::Select"  
> example from the cookbook. I've also created loop #2, which handles  
> the ptk stuff (currently the program will simply put up each raw text  
> line into a ptk text window for the user to see). As I understand  
> POE, my current implementation will give both of these loops equal  
> priority.

You can do all of this in one loop. The Tk loop can handle the getting
data from the network just fine, no need to have a seperate IO::Select
loop for that.

> Then I started thinking about parsing the raw data. At first, I  
> wanted loop #1 to parse the data right after it came in, but then I  
> realized that because of the sequencing of POE, parsing would be  
> forced to occur in realtime (possibly delaying the incoming data from  
> the live data feed). That's when I understood that I needed loop #3,  
> but I don't know how to create an event loop that only executes when  
> there are idle cycles.

Generally in POE, this is done on the fly. Not sure which cookbook
recipe you're referring too, but in the second example of
http://poe.perl.org/?POE_Cookbook/TCP_Servers there is a commented out

        # ClientFilter  => "POE::Filter::Reference",

If you enable that, then instead of giving you raw chunks of data, POE
will pass the raw data through Storable (or something else; see its
documentation) and hand you Perl references.

So, you probably want to write a POE::Filter to go from raw to cooked
data. *maybe* this would get problematic if going from raw to cooked is
really complex, and you have a lot of data coming in, but wouldn't you
then have problems with the GUI keeping up anyway?

> Also, is there any way to tell POE I want loop #1 to have higher  
> priority than loop #2?

The default (and currently only implemented one) POE::Queue is a FIFO
queue, so there is no prioritizing, no.


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