Hello everybody,

 I will be releasing version 0.1 of POE::Component::DirWatch later
this week. As some of you may remember, the POE::Component::DirWatch
namespace was originally home to Eric Cholet's module by the same
name. Almost 2 years ago I released POE::Component::DirWatch::Object,
a Moose-based replacement for the original DirWatch and shortly
afterward Eric removed his module from the CPAN and let me have the
DirWatch name space. I am now releasing the replacement for DirWatch
object under the original DirWatch name space, since I feel like it
has been quite a while.

The new DirWatch breaks off all compatibility with the original
DirWatch project, but it supports all of the features of the original
DirWatch and some new ones. Notably, I recently added support for
asynchronous directory polling using IO::AIO as well as a simple and
extensible interface using POE.  If any of you would like to take a
look at the new code and give me any input or ideas I would really
appreciate it. A developer release should be hitting CPAN any hour


--Guillermo Roditi (groditi)

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