Well, my 'try' was successful.  AFAIK, it was the first full
non-blocking ssl filter.
We have yet to have the changes we made make it into POE core though :)

I'm glad you're spear heading this, and Data::Transform is a good
choice. I'm ok with a patch to Wheel::ReadWrite as long as it is
backward compatible and the performance penalty is minimal.

What does everyone else think?

David Davis
☄ Software Engineer

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 10:38, Martijn van Beers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been working on a filter to do SSL, inspired by David Davis' try in
> Sprocket and IO::Socket::SSL. It seems to be working pretty well (see
> attached code; mostly needs more testing and error handling), but I
> can't release it because it needs more API than filters currently
> provide (see also the 'POE::Filter error reporting' thread)
> My current thoughts are to forget about trying to extend POE::Filter but
> start over in a new namespace (possibly Data::Transform?) That way
> there's no need to worry about mixing up filters with the old and new
> apis. And not being in the POE namespace might help convince people that
> Filters really are useful outside of POE.
> Of course, there is still need for handling this in Wheel::ReadWrite
> (and other wheels) too. Not sure whether to subclass those or to add
> some extra if blocks.
> I'm mostly writing this email to find out what people think of the idea
> of doing 'new filters' in a new namespace (and if so, which namespace).
> But if you think I'm on crack for how I'm doing things in Filter::SSL,
> please let me know that too :)
> Martijn

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