probably the easiest thing would be to define $session_alias to something like 
"TCPCLIENT" then do $kernel->post($session_alias, 'clientSend ');
also i think you're trying to use the same heap between each session which wont 

--- On Wed, 9/17/08, Emmanuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Emmanuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: POE: one session calling another
Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 2:49 AM

Today I am trying to make two POE sessions that interact with each other.
One session is a basic log watcher (implemented with Wheel::FollowTail) and
the other a simple TCP client (implemented using Component::Client::TCP).
The idea is to have log entries matching a certain pattern sent to a remote
log server.

I have tested both sessions independently, and they work fine. The
FollowTail watches the file correctly, and its events are working. The TCP
client works fine too, able to connect to the server, receive input from the
server, re-connect when disconnected, and able to send data to the server.

However, making both sessions interacting with each other is proving to be
more difficult that I have anticipated, probably due to my brain's
to grasp the POE concepts very well.

In the sub begin_watcher, I create both sessions, the FollowTail and the
- Why can't I use the "->ID" method on $client_session, the
same way I do on

In sub current_got_record (called when FollowTail gets new data on the file
watched), I have tried several ways to send the data received to the client
using my Client::TCP session. None of them worked, I have left in comments
what I have tried.
- Any idea how to properly call the clientSend method (sub client_send) so
the FollowTail session can send its output to the server?

Many thanks for your suggestions.

Here is the code below.


use warnings;
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use POE qw(Wheel::FollowTail Component::Client::TCP);

my $logfile = "/home/namp/code/client.log";
my $mmsfile = "/namp_log/log/TRmms.log";
my (%wap_logs, %poe_records);
my $PATH = '/namp_log/log';
my $pattern = "mms";
my $MMSC = "";
my $logPort = "31008";
my $clientID;
my $session_alias;

sub InitWapLog
# Define POE records
       $poe_records{_start} = \&begin_watchers;
       $poe_records{current_record} = \&current_got_record;
       $poe_records{current_log_reset} = \&current_log_reset;
       $poe_records{log_error} = \&generic_log_error;
       &Log("POE init complete");

sub begin_watchers
# Start POE sessions
       my $heap = $_[HEAP];
       my $logid;
       my $log_watcher = POE::Wheel::FollowTail->new
               Filename => $mmsfile,
               InputEvent => "current_record",
               ResetEvent => "current_log_reset",
               ErrorEvent => "log_error",
       $logid = $log_watcher->ID;
       $heap->{services}->{$logid} = "current";
       $heap->{watchers}->{$logid} = $log_watcher;
       &Log("Started watch $logid on file $mmsfile");

       my $client_session = POE::Component::Client::TCP->new
               RemoteAddress => $MMSC,
               RemotePort    => $logPort,
               Alias         => $session_alias,
               ServerInput   => \&server_input,
               Disconnected  => \&handle_disconnect,
               ConnectError  => \&connect_error,
               InlineStates => { clientSend => \&client_send }
#       $clientID = $session_alias->ID;
#       $heap->{client}->{$clientID} = $client_session;

sub client_send
# Send to server
       my ( $heap, $stuff ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0 ];
       &Log("Sending ", $_[SESSION] );

sub server_input
# Server spoke
       my $input = $_[ARG0];
       &Log("Client: received $input from server");

sub handle_disconnect
# Automatic reconnect
       &Log("Reconnecting to server");

sub connect_error
# Failure to connect to server
       &Log("Cannot connect to $MMSC on port $logPort");

sub current_log_reset
# Handles log resets for current log, basically do nothing
       my ($heap, $wheel_id) = @_[HEAP, ARG0];
       my $service = $heap->{services}->{$wheel_id};
       &Log("POE service $service log reset");

sub generic_log_error
# Handles log errors
       my ($heap, $operation, $errno, $error_string, $wheel_id) = @_[ HEAP,
ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3 ];
       my $service = $heap->{services}->{$wheel_id};
       &Log("$service log $operation error $errno:
       &Log("Shutting down $service log watcher.\n");
       delete $heap->{services}->{$wheel_id};
       delete $heap->{watchers}->{$wheel_id};

sub current_got_record
# Handle log events
       my ($record, $wheel_id, $heap) = @_[ARG0, ARG1, HEAP];
       if ($record =~ /$pattern/)
               my $now = `date +%H:%M:%S`;
               print "[$now]\t$record\n";
#               $heap->{server}->put($record);
#               &client_send($heap, $record);

sub Log
# Write log entries
       my $text = shift;
       my $log = new FileHandle(">>$logfile");
       my $now = `date +"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"`;
       print $log "[watcher]\t$now\t$text\n";


&Log("Starting WAP log watch");
POE::Session->create(inline_states => {%poe_records});
&Log("All watchers died, exiting");

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