My problem has been resolved!
upgrade Tk804.027 to Tk804.028 will lead the example to works fine.

Thank Jürgen Schöneberg!

2009/3/7 flw <>:
> Thanks for your reply and sorry for my omission,
> My Perl runtime are:
> Windows XP SP3
> ActivePerl 5.8.8 buid 817
> POE 1.286
> and Tk804.027
> I found a way to avoid CPU goes to 100%,
> please modify
>    $_[KERNEL]->yield("ev_count");
> to
>    $_[KERNEL]->delay("ev_count", 0.1);
> the example will works more moderate, of course, memory leak more slow.
> Plear try again.
> 2009/3/7 Jürgen Schöneberg <>:
>> Hej!
>> I have also a problem to get this example working!
>> but instead of memory problem
>> my CPU goes to 100%.
>> and the TK widget is never coming up!
>> (when I comment the line
>>   $_[KERNEL]->yield("ev_count");
>> I get the widget up, but no count anymore of course)
>> is there a bug in POE or do I have to look at which version TK
>> and POE I have to have?
>> otherwise Tk scripts are working fine for me.
>> thanks for Ideas.
>> Jüregen
>> On Saturday 07 March 2009 05:02, flw wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a trouble about Tk interfaces in POE.
>>> When I run above POE-Tk example on my person computer,
>>> there has been a rapid increase in the memory usage of perl.exe process.
>>> More than 300MB memory leaked in two minutes, it's so shocking for me.
>>> How to debug and fix it?
>>> Attachment is the test code.
>>> Any advice will be appreciated.
>>> Thanks in advance.

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