On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Rocco Caputo <rcap...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2009, at 17:53, Evan Carroll wrote:
> You seem to be trying to steal some of POE's cachet in the same breath
> you're using to insult its developers and contributors.
> Your actions are rude, misleading and unethical at best.

I wasn't planning on commenting on Evan's statement because I felt
that it was obviously trollish and should best be ignored. But since
it's spawned a thread perhaps I should illuminate that Evan is a known
troll in the Catalyst and Moose communities. About 30% of the time he
manages to pull something useful out of his otherwise trollish
behavior and thus is put on a very short leash by handlers (mst) on
the irc.perl.org network (where I've mostly encountered him).

POE is wonderful and the few cross Moose/POE excursions show that
there is perhaps some overlap between the two systems. Please don't
let the actions of one inconsiderate troll reflect poorly on the Moose
community, or on any potential Moose and POE projects in the future.
As for Evan. Just ignore him and he'll go away.

-Chris (maintainer of MooseX::POE).

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