Yes, thanks to some members of the list I have been taught that this is
indeed correct and not a bug.  Makes more sense now.

I was trying to spawn a worker child but wasn't spawning it correctly
therefore the process was indeed inside the same kernel.  I'm now using a
wheel::run to spawn the child process and then have the ikc client connect.
I'm sure there is a more elegant way to do this but I need the portability
of the clients spawning locally as different processes, or on remote
machines that would connect back to the server.

(Inside the worker template package)
sub __spawn {
    my $class = shift;

           inline_states => {
                _start => \&create_ikc_client,
                worker_stdout => \&worker_stdout,
                worker_stderr => \&worker_stderr,
                worker_error  => \&worker_error,

           args => [ $class ]


sub create_ikc_client{
    my ( $kernel, $heap, $class ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 ];

    my $child = POE::Wheel::Run->new(
            Program => sub{
                    my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];

                    # Wipe the existing POE::Kernel clean.
                    print STDERR "Worker forked\n";

                    my $addr  = $class->IP   || '';
                    my $port  = $class->PORT || 5667;
                    my $trace = $class->TRACE || 0;
                    my $debug = $class->DEBUG || 0;

                                 ip         => $addr,
                                port       => $port,
                                name       => "Client$$",
                                on_connect => sub {

                                                    package_states =>
                                                      ## extract all
subroutines that don't start with "__"
                                                      ## and allocate them
as states:
                                                         (__PACKAGE__) => [
do {
                                                                no strict
                                                                grep {
!/^__/ and defined &$_ } keys %{ __PACKAGE__ . "::" };
                                                              } ],
                                                         ($class)       => [

                                                    ## pass args into
                                                    args => [$class],
                                                    options => { trace =>
$trace, debug => $debug },

                                on_error  => sub {
                                        my ( $kernel ) = $_[ KERNEL];
                                        print STDERR Dumper($kernel);


                    # Run the new sessions.
            ErrorEvent   => "worker_error",
            StdoutEvent  => "worker_stdout",
            StderrEvent  => "worker_stderr",
            CloseEvent   => "worker_close",

    ) or die "$0: can't POE::Wheel::Run->new";

    $heap->{worker} = $child;

    return $child;

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Nick Perez <> wrote:

> On Tue, 5 May 2009 10:34:53 -0700
> Josh803316 <> wrote:
> > It appears that if you start an IKC server and then an ikc client
> > connects to it from within the same POE::Kernel->run() then we get
> > the following error:
> >
> > 23289: Remote kernel 'host.domain-4a0076da00005af9' already exists
> > 23289: Remote kernel 'host.domain-4a0076da00005af9' already exists
> >
> > Single program flow:
> >
> > POE::Component::IKC::Server->spawn();
> > POE::Component::IKC::Client->spawn();
> >
> > POE::Kernel->run();
> >
> > This is where we get the run time error from the client about the
> > remote kernel already existing. The error doesn't seem to affect
> > anything else but I assume this is either a bug or I'm doing
> > something wrong.
> Erm, you do realize that IKC is mostly for inter process communication
> right? Running both within the same kernel (process) and it throwing
> that warning is /exactly/ what it should be doing.
> --
> Nicholas Perez
> XMPP/Email:
> <>

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