At a guess (no POE installed here) I'd say:

  my $eol = "\x0D\x0A";

within the Filter method.  Assumes that remote end plays nicely with
line terminators...  `od -c` on the output from LWP get would confirm


On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Thomas G Lines<> wrote:
> Hi
> I 'borrowed' the tcp port forwarder script from the POE cookbook to use as
> a bidirectional port forwarder with a filter built into 1 direction. The
> data stream is actually SOAP, as is the response. The forward filter works
> perfectly, the problem is with the response. For some reason, the
> initiator does not recognize the response. Although the data stream is
> http, I wanted to treat it a strictly a data stream with out any parsing
> or decoding. The filter uses straight regexp to make the necessary
> changes. The response is suppose to be sent thru unchanged.
> The script seems to work perfectly except, the originating client does't
> appear to accept the response. When I use a perl script based on
> LWP::Useragent and do a POST, the response is exactly what I would expect.
> What can be the difference?
> Anyone see a problem?

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