It looks like the wiki login does not work correctly.
The login page and the signup/preferences pages says I'm logged in (user
name : Dolmen, user id : 1062), but the other pages don't. When I try to
login, it says the password I defined from the preferences page is invalid.

2009/6/26 Rocco Caputo <>

> Thanks for the pointers.  I've updated the templates & header generation
> code to pass for the front page.  It's a wiki without a
> test suite, so I can't guarantee every page will validate.  In fact, I
> strongly suspect that many pages will fail.  Feel free to patch pages with
> bad content.  There's a login/signup link at the bottom, and it'll enable an
> edit link when you do.
> I know some of the cookbook examples are too wide for the content column.
>  I'm going to try to make the content column stretch to accommodate wide
> content.
> --
> Rocco Caputo -

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