Can it be done in an extensible, sustainable way? We can add a constructor parameter and code to handle every possible socket option, but I would like to see something better.

For example, would it make sense to pass socket options as an array of setsockopt() parameters? They could be applied to the socket in sequence:

SocketOptions => [
  [ another option ],

Possibly not, since some setsockopt() calls may need to know the previous value of an option. flw's suggestion to use a Connected callback makes more sense. You should be able to do anything you need there, no matter what that entails.

Rocco Caputo -

On Oct 20, 2009, at 13:48, Adams Sean wrote:

never mind, this was easy to enable globally by modifying @ line 706:

 setsockopt($socket_handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) or do {
     'setsockopt', $!+0, $!, $self->[MY_UNIQUE_ID]
   return $self;

Although I think POE should expose the option to users of Client::TCP... do you want a patch for this?

On Oct 19, 2009, at 11:14 AM, Adams Sean wrote:

What is the best way to enable TCP keepalive on a POE::Component::Client::TCP session?

I am using POE for home automation and I have connections which are often idle for hours, or only get traffic in the receive direction. In these cases there is no indication that the connection has failed if, for example, the endpoint resets due to power outage.

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