It appears that you're using Perl's built-in shutdown() function rather than the "shutdown" documented in POE::Component::Client::HTTP. Of course, I can't really tell without seeing your code, but that's what it looks like from the calls you've shown.

Please look for "shutdown" in the POE::Component::Client::HTTP documentation.

Rocco Caputo -

On Nov 19, 2009, at 22:03, Aaron Goodmiller wrote:

Hello all,
I am using the POE::Component::Client::HTTP part of POE to call 4 URLs
simultaneously. This works really well, except for the fact that there is
either a 5 second lag or a 43 second lag from the last URL pulled.  No
matter what I set the keepalive or timeout too, it is always either 5 or 43 seconds (every once in a while 86 seconds, but that is about 1 out of a
hundred times).

I have tried to use the information from this URL to shut down the session
after the last URL is pulled, but it never works.

the calls i have tried are :
    - it says i have too few arguments
    - nothing happens
,POE ::Component ::Client::HTTP::*Session*,POE::Component::Client::HTTP::*Heap
    - it says i have too many arguements

And I have used the code from example 2 on the following page for my URL

Any thoughts on why this could be happening? The software works superbly aside from this one glitch and I would hate to have to look yet again for
another alternative to LWP.

Thanks for any help!


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