Hello Oliver,

I saw your other mail that you were re-factoring the
I was tempted to reply to that but did not want to pollute that thread.

First of all this is a great module. Thanks.

I have a feature request for this module for your consideration.
I was wondering if a capability could be defined to plug in a
custom iterator to use (instead of DateTime::Set). I was interested in
Algorithm::TokenBucket as the iterator.

Thanks in advance for the consideration.

p.s: I gave it an attempt and came up with a version that works. Basically
      your module + some modification to _schedule and minors ones to
     and of course the iterator type check in add. But was wondering if some
how the
     two can be combined? I attached the experimental module an example
script that
     uses it and the output of that script. I guess i can try subclass from
     and just overload these three routines.

p.p.s: This is based on the original version of this module before
start 1258751264.06958
tick 1258751265.74366 ( 00:00:01.674042 )
tick 1258751267.41223 ( 00:00:03.342612 )
tick 1258751269.0807 ( 00:00:05.011077 )
tick 1258751270.7492 ( 00:00:06.679584 )
tick 1258751272.41771 ( 00:00:08.348090 )
tick 1258751274.08622 ( 00:00:10.016599 )
tick 1258751275.75471 ( 00:00:11.685086 )
tick 1258751277.42326 ( 00:00:13.353643 )
tick 1258751279.09176 ( 00:00:15.022136 )
tick 1258751280.76028 ( 00:00:16.690656 )
tick 1258751282.42877 ( 00:00:18.359147 )
tick 1258751284.09731 ( 00:00:20.027685 )

Attachment: ATkB.pm
Description: Binary data

Attachment: example_1.pl
Description: Binary data

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