Hi Martijn,

> The solution to this is to write a custom filter that makes sure the
> entire packet (your auth string/length/data) is read in before it passes
> this on to your app.
thanks for your reply. I build a customer filter based on the concept of
Filter::Stream. When I put some logging into the get_one() function e. g.
I see that when the windows client sends it stream, this function may be
called 2 to 4 times. My problem now is (and I bet it's most likely an 
error in reasoning on my side) how to figure out, when the stream from
the client finally ended. When I would be able to figure this out, I
could collect the data of the single get_one() calls and concat them.

Any ideas on how to build such a logic or do you even have suggestions
on how to build this in a better way?


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