On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 04:44:55AM -0500, John R. wrote:
> Basic question here but I can't seem to find the answer (I am looking
> for)...
> How do I determine the alias of the session that sent and event?  For
> example, in this handler:
> sub scanning {
>     $_[HEAP]->{speed_sel}->setSelectedIndex( 0 );
> }
> I want the SENDER's alias.  However, sessions do not have an obvious way
> of coughing up their alias (no public method).  What am I missing?

  my @aliases = $poe_kernel->alias_list($_[SENDER]);

But realize that a session might have zero or many aliases.

If you want a general session id that is always there you can use the
ID method:

  my $id = $_[SENDER]->ID;


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