Here is a rough summary of what has been said :

    - one attempt only
    - in memory only
    - on disk
    - on multiple disks

    - Order unimportant
    - In-order sending
    - In-order receipt

    - Never
    - Ever X seconds, try for Y seconds, heat-death of the univers.
    - Retry only Z times.

    - permanent vs temporary
    - to a log file
    - to an error handler/monitor
    - back to the SENDER

Strategy selection:
    - global/default
    - by SENDER
    - by destination kernel
    - by destination kernel/session
    - by destination kernel/session/event
    - request-specific (impossible w/o Reflex or magic)

    - in sending kernel
    - in destination kernel
    - in an external queue daemon
    (First 2 might also need some sort of discovery protocol so that
     one side can provide what the other side needs.)


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