
I am using the POE-Component-Client-NNTP component to download
newsgroup articles, one of the problem I found is when network
disconnected, the component is hang-ed and never quite the event loop,
so my program wait forever.

I have reported this as bug:

After serveral days of thinking, maybe this is not a bug, or maybe
this can be solved without modifying the component, so I post here to
look for any advice.

Code: http://pastebin.com/nXjDRk9H

This is from the sample program copied from the module CPAN site.

You can see I hacked one line in one of the event loop which make
network disconnected:

>> system(" sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop ");

After this line get executed, the program is hanged...

Are there any way to quite from the event loop in case the above problem?


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