> Im planning to see how can I develop a HTTP probe, in Perl,
> probable using POE module which will do the following

Sorry for the trashed subject line. Basically my recorder 
should do the following:

>  start timer
>  for all urls
>      start time 
>      GET /something or POST /something
>      stop timer

>  print milisecs of the HTTP action(s).

The recorder currently we been developing, uses Apache HTTP Client in Java.
The output is something like:

timestamp       transaction name        response time (ms)
1273024907:     main:   0.352
1273024912:     recdesign:      0.355
1273024917:     recorders:      0.381
1273024922:     reporting:      0.318
1273024927:     cpuplayer:      0.399
1273024932:     relnotes:       1.174
1273024937:     docs:   0.298
1273024942:     faq:    0.366



1. Can I build such recorder using POE ?
2. How light is the POE library versus Java ? Anyone have any experiment 
   results regarding this ?

Thanks a lot,

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