
We use POE to manage a group of child processes doing processing in our system, 
using the POE::Wheel::Run plugin.

We recently upgraded our version of POE from 0.9989 to 1.284 and noticed a 
dramatic change in the performance of the system. With the older version of 
POE, the child processes consumed most of the CPU - which is expected since 
they do all the processing. With the newer version of POE, however, we notice 
that the parent process (the POE session manager) consumes all the CPU and 
starves the children. The parent process is really just there to manage the 
children, so it should consume very little resources.

I did some investigation with strace and noticed that the parent process was 
doing select/read in a very tight loop...and the filehandle it is trying to 
read from is just some perl library file on our system (I think it was JSON.pm, 
but that doesn't matter..). What's more, the list of FDs being passed to select 
included 10 sockets (presumably to the child processes) AND this one file 
handle to the JSON.pm module that the perl process has open. Since this file is 
always ready to read, select always returns true indicating that this file is 
ready to read..thus the tight loop.

I did a little investigating in the POE code and noticed that there is a lot of 
new code to handle signals differently. As an experiment, I tried setting 
USE_SIGNAL_PIPE to 0 in my script before loading POE and the behavior goes back 
to normal (that is, the parent process no longer consumes all the CPU).

So, has anyone else observed this behavior when using Wheel::Run to manage 
child processes? Is my workaround a reasonable one or should I fix this problem 
some other way. Based on my observations, it seems like the fundamental problem 
is that POE is calling select() with one incorrect file descriptor in its 
list..thus causing select to always return immediately and causing POE to try 
to read from some disk file instead of from a socket to child processes.

Mike Ellery

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