Hi Stefano,

I totally agree, here is the problem:

I've offered to write this script provided with the relevant
server/directory information.  I've offered to help however I can to get
the POI website up, the builds and releases up, etc.

No one has taken me up on it.  Via CVS is the ONLY way modifications can
be made to our website.

To be honest, I'm kinda frustrated.  The project has been held back
because we can't get our builds published, we've only recently gotten
the site up and modifications working.  

Until we have a solution that allows us to publish information on our
website, and have our build published there is really nothing I can do
about this.  Shortly we'll even be committing a milestone build into our
CVS just to get it on our website because it is the only way we can
publish builds. 

I'm fully happy to participate in another solution, but no one has taken
me up on that up to now.  I've asked for Marc to be given access to that
server (he's our build scientist), but no one has taken me up on that.

So basically until it annoys someone enough to help us out, this is the
only thing we can do...



On Thu, 2002-03-07 at 07:57, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> > 
> > acoliver    02/03/06 18:27:54
> > 
> >   jakarta-poi/build/jakarta-poi/docs/apidocs/org/apache/poi/util - New directory
> I would *strongly* suggest to avoid adding things that can be
> autogenerated (such as javadocs) in the CVS repository, the Apache CVS
> is already big enough. Thanks.
> -- 
> Stefano Mazzocchi      One must still have chaos in oneself to be
>                           able to give birth to a dancing star.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             Friedrich Nietzsche
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
http://jakarta.apache.org - port of Excel/Word/OLE 2 Compound Document 
                            format to java
                        - fix java generics!
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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