I've downloaded JDK 1.3.1_02 and ran that on the build I've just committed.

To be sure it was using the correct classpath and the correct JDK, at the
beginning of every build Centipede outputs all this info.

The doc target works, and produces valid documentation.
I've added a proposed Avalon skin that we could agree to use (or not, just a
possibility), and a preliminary version of the forrest skin.

To change skin edit properties.xml, and change the skin name to one of the
values proposed in the file comments.
The next build docs uses that skin.

I've resolved some minor things in the build.xml file, like -init target
being called many times.

There are two new cents: umldoclet and checkstyle.

Umldoclet gives you simple UML diagrams of the classes.
Do "build uml" and search for the uml-*.html named files in the
build/docs/javadocs directory.

Checkstyle checks that the java code follows a certain coding style and
The rules still need to be tailored to our coding conventions, but you will
have an idea of what it does.
Do "build checkstyle". The results are in xml in the work dir.

If you are still having problems on the build, please let me know.

The versions of the JDK that have been tested are 1.4 and 1.3.1_02.

The "dist" target is still a problem, and gives out of memory errors on
JDK1.3 with a normal invocation.

To have a dist use "quickdist" instead, that doesn't do the build test but
only the functional tests.

Thank you :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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