Cool, didn't know he'd added writing yet. Yeah I contacted him.  He
wasn't interested.  He said he uses are stuff to develop his.  

He should really consider renaming it though.  IANAL, but I think Excel
is a trademark...dangerous to use it's name in his API.

Its too bad he didn't want to work together.  


On Mon, 2002-04-15 at 23:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am not sure if anyone has seen this but here is another open source Java
> Excel Reader Writer. Previously it was only available as the ExcelRead. Has
> any of the developers here had contact with Andy to see if he would be
> interested in banging heads for the better good of HSSF?
> Jason
-- - port of Excel/Word/OLE 2 Compound
                            format to java 
                        - fix java generics!
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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