From: "Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >I'm -0 on this.
> >
> >To be honest, I always liked having all that is needed in CVS, but as I
> >recalled in an earlier mail, it's mostly a $$ problem.
> >
> bandwidth is cheap for me (or at least its just a monthly fee regardless)

Ahem, not for Apache. The download is free, but it still costs someone ;-)

> >
> >Anyway, the automatic download can still be useful to update locally the
> >cents to commit (point 2).
> >
> agreed.
> >
> >Point 3 is on the way, and thank you all for the patience.
> >
> cool
> >
> >As per point 4... why not put in CVS only the core cents needed?
> >
> if you can show me the way I shall follow.

I need to add an optional attribute to cents so that it won't complain when
Will give ita shot tomorrow.

> >
> >For example keep centipede.cent in CVS and others to download, so that
> >build would still work, but not the extra targets.
> >I will have to change the build process a bit, to ignore cents if marked
> >optional.
> >
> >Could this be ok?
> >
> speaking of which Marc mentioned he was having some trouble.  His
> machine is only like 128m.  Glen and I had to pump the build up to
> -Xmx128m to get it to not OME.  Any thoughts on how we can maybe
> accomodate Marc?

That was when I was doing the heavy build tests just for dists.
It should be ok now.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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