Rainer Klute wrote:
> Hi POI folks,

Here is where everyone stopped thinking and ranting began.

Just a few notes:

1. [http://jakarta.apache.org/site/source.html]
    Simple patches to fix bugs can be committed then reviewed.

NKB says: "If Rainer saw that Andy committed bugged code, he could have 
reverted it immediately"

2. [http://jakarta.apache.org/site/source.html]
    Half complete projects should never be committed to the main branch 
of a development repository. All code changes must be successfully 
compiled on the developer's platform before being committed. Also, any 
unit tests should also pass.

NKB says: "Andy should not have committed bugged code"

3. [http://jakarta.apache.org/site/source.html]
    The current source code tree for a subproject should be capable of 
complete compilation at all times. However, it is sometimes impossible 
for a developer on one platform to avoid breaking some other platform 
when a change is committed. If it is anticipated that a given change 
will break the build on some other platform, the committer must indicate 
that in the commit message.

4. [http://jakarta.apache.org/site/source.html]
    A committed change must be reversed if it is vetoed by one of the 
voting members and the veto conditions cannot be immediately satisfied 
by the equivalent of a "bug fix" commit. The veto must be rescinded 
before the change can be included in any public release.

NKB says: "Rainer could have -1ed Andy's commit and make him revert it 
unless Andy fixed it right away"

5. [http://jakarta.apache.org/site/roles.html]
    At times, Committers may go inactive for a variety of reasons. A 
Committer that has been inactive for 6 months or more may lose their 
status as a Committer. Getting access back is as simple as re-requesting 
it on the project's Developer mailing list.

NKB says: "no comment"

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             - verba volant, scripta manent -
    (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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