After some days of work, help from Nick to set up the modules for those packages that Centipede uses, the precious help from Sam, and the pushing that Andy did on me ;-) ,it seems that finally Gump is able to use Centipede for building projects :-)

POI is the first project to work with it, and I'll soon finish to convert the project to the new version of centipede.
In the meantime, the old build system is available, as it's the version of Centipede that resided in CVS and used build.xml.

Now that the junit problem is solved, that we have the changelog cent (and I'm finishing activity stuff), POI can move to the new system easily.

There is still some work to do to polish it, but it works.
I'll work on it now and in the next days to have it shining :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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