I'm forwarding this to poi-dev.
Could you send here also your ExcelWorkbookFilter.java file?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Tn5250j-general] Re: Spoolfile not working [was Re: Re: New version for you
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 09:46:21 +0100
From: tn5250j <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: tn5250j list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>Why not use http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/ ?
I have actually attempted using the poi for excel file workbook
transfers. The problem I ran into was the amount of memory that was
used, depending on the number of columns of course, for creating the
files. On a workbook with 18 columns the most I could get downloaded
was 4000 +/- records of a 6579 record database before running out of
memory with the JVM crashing with the Out Of Memory error. This memory
error crashing the JVM is an open bug on the Javasoft site.

This 6576 record database is a small one compared to others that those
damn external auditors ask for. One of these days I want to crash their
machines with the size of the files they ask for and all the stupid
queries :-))))) They have already had to upgrade their memory on their
notebooks just to get some files in there :-)))))))))) Anyway that is
off topic sorry.

After consulting the poi website I found that there was work being done
to reduce this limit by writing out to some kind of cache because of all
the internal memory references/pointers to data. If this has changed it
would be great to know as the excel files created by this can be opened
in Open Office as well.

Reports that have a lot of pages would really be hit by this because of
all the space required for a cell. If you have any ideas on how this
could be accomplished or if this limit is now not a problem please let
us know. Maybe it needs beta testing, if so let me know because I have
another task that could use this capability as well.

Also of course I am doing some things incorrectly in the code that
causes more memory to be used. If you would like to have a look, I can
send the ExcelWorkbookFilter.java module to you for a quick look. This
is of course only if you have time Nicola as I know you are quite busy.



Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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