On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 07:09:23AM -0400, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> On 8/4/03 6:54 AM, "Jeff Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We have a bunch of other Forrest sites being regularly built on
> > http://forrestbot.cocoondev.org/.  Builds can be triggered manually or
> > via cron, and the results committed to CVS.  I can set this up for POI if
> > you like?
> > 
> Can it handle that we have javadoc, unit test reports and other stuff
> generated?  (similar to what maven does but we do it with ant)

What _should_ happen with this type of thing?  Does it all get checked
into CVS (yuck..).

Forrest doesn't take responsibility for the _whole_ URI structure of the
project, just the part it generates.

The Forrestbot is one conceptual level higher, and could be made
responsible for generating Javadocs in addition to Forrestdocs.  It
doesn't currently.  That's probably more in scope for tools like
Centipede or Maven.


> > --Jeff
> > 
> >> -- Glen
> >> 

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