> Now the way I have done it:-
> When we reach a style like style B in above Example, create its UPE.chpx
> first by MERGING  the UPX.chpx of that style to the nilUPE.chpx as
> described in Spec as "The UPE.chpx for the null style has an istd of zero,
a cbGrpprl of zero
> (and an empty grpprl). "
> Now apply that MERGED chpx to a standard Chp (nullCharacter style), then
> pass this chp to its child style like style A in the example above. From
> there on keep applying the UPX.chpx to this Chp to get the final Chp from
> StyleSheet & then apply the chpx fromCHPFKP to get the FINAL CHP.

Praveen, I don't remember this being a problem. I know the way that the spec
describes it raises this possibility. However, I am almost absolutely sure
that Word does not allow chaining the styles in this way.  I have never
encountered a paragraph style that was based on a character style. Have you
actually tested this out to see if styles are chained in this manner?

The way I originally read them was just recursively uncompressing the paps
and chps seperately. For example if you have a style chain of A, D, C, F,
nil. I would try to uncompress A.chp using D.chp, if D.chp was still
compressed, I would try to uncompress D.chp using C.chp, and so on, until
finally you reach the nil character style that is guaranteed to be
uncompressed. It is the exact same way for paps.


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