On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 08:43, Glen Stampoultzis wrote:
> Since it's a full release I we should do a formal vote to make the PMC happy.
Yup, should do. 

> I'm a little reluctant do a full release without bringing the German and 
> Spanish translations up to spec. It's not really something I can do as I 
> only speak English.
Well.. me neither..
> Also I'd like to see someone go over the website and documentation and say 
> that they're happy that it's up-to-date and correct.
yeah, will do that over the weekend.

> -- Glen
> At 02:54 AM 13/11/2003, you wrote:
> >We've had two checkins to branch since 2.0 ..Nothing important seems to
> >have come up.  should we do a second RC, cheat and do a 2.0 final
> >directly. Thoughts? Glen, are you able to do a release this weekend?
> >
> >Regards
> >-
> >Avik
> >
> Glen Stampoultzis
> http://members.iinet.net.au/~gstamp/glen/

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