> We need to start moving on 3.0 again.

The testcases were initially failing in hpsf (testcase issues) which I
have fixed. The next block was the shared formula stuff that does not
work in 3.0. Jason has put a patch in bugzilla to fix that (very
different from 2.0) .. while I looked at it yet, I am not too concerned
since its a reasonably well defined/encapsulated issue, with a patch.
The testcases then stop working on the hssf.usermodel.TestBugs tests,
which are primarily higher level/functional sort of tests, meaning that
they are catching things which aren't being caught in our unit tests.
Which in turn means that they require significantly more debugging

Anyways, that was just by way of a status check. 

Andy, what would be useful if you could do a couple of paragraphs of
"architecture documentation" about how records are now stored and
manipulated into higher level objects?

Another thing that struck me while I was debugging was that there were
only a few tests for ValueRecordAggregate, given the amount of
functionality in that class.. we need to write more tests for that..
i'll try and do some. 


On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 04:46, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> Don't forget to add this to 3.0!  We need to start moving on 3.0 again.  I
> need everyone's help to make the HSSF stuff work.  There was too much stuff
> I didn't work on for me to be able to do it myself.
> Lets also get the discussion on TNEF and POIFS2 rolling again.
> SuperLink also has a significant new feature to add in the coming days:
> Escher images.  I'd like to propose that we do a 2.5. . . . Oh I know I know
> we said never again, but this feature is far too mature for 3.0 and far to
> sweeping for a 2.01 release in my opinion.  I'd like to hear what others
> think.  Based on this you can now draw company logos on the reports and
> more.  
> Alternatively, we could make the HEAD 4.0 and do the drawing stuff as
> 3.0....
> Thoughts?

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