Quoting Amol Deshmukh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> This will break existing code. Very Bad Thing! Also,
>> with my Alan Cooper fanboy
>> hat on, I think recommending to /prefer/ calling
>> setCellType() is in itself a Bad Thing.
> It wouldnt break existing code since existing code
> would be throwing CastClassException anyway :) But I
> get your point and am glad we had this discussion.
>> I would say, add a method called
>> setCellFormulaResult() overloaded for
>> string/num etc.
> Yeah, probably a better option! Although maybe, I can
> do something like:
>   Create inner nested class Formula which has the
> overloaded setCellFormulaResult(..) methods (& a
> constructor that takes in the formula string)... and
> add setCellValue(HSSFCell.Formula f) to HSSFCell. This
> will keep the HSSFCell api clean since it will just
> add two methods (getFormulaValue/setCellValue(Formula
> f) - and I can make the javadocs very clear about
> how/when to use these method :)
>> I am sure we can fix the class cast exception on
>> calling setCellFormula
>> followed
>>   setCellValue independently.
> True. I should have thought of that! :) So now in
> setCellValue(..) methods we can change:
> if ((cellType != CELL_TYPE_STRING )
>  && (cellType != CELL_TYPE_FORMULA))
> {
>   setCellType(CELL_TYPE_STRING, false);
> }
>  --TO--
> if ((cellType != CELL_TYPE_STRING ))
> {
>   setCellType(CELL_TYPE_STRING, false);
> }
> [Since we will have a setCellValue(Formula f) that
> will take care of the formula with initial value]
> Regards,
> ~ amol
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