Mark Thomas wrote:
> dist - I can't build with forrest 0.7 due to antproxy support being
> removed. I am working on what changes are required to get this working

Having tried, and failed, to get the build working with both 0.7 and
the latest source from svn I reverted to 0.5.1

I am still getting a build error in the documentation - a broken link
with hslf/hslf_shapes.gif

I am not familiar with forrest or the POI documentation structure but
I believe the following change is required to fix it:
move hslf_shapes.gif from src/documentation/content/xdocs/hslf to

With this change the dist target works for me.

For consistency with the other docs, the img tag in
src/documentation/content/xdocs/hslf/how-to-shapes.xml should change
from <img src="hslf_shapes.gif" ... /> to
<img src="images/hslf_shapes.gif" ... />

On a related note the DTDs in src/documentation/content/xdocs/dtd
appear to be ignored. The documentation certainly doesn't conform to
them - it appears modified versions supplied by forrest are used
instead. It is probably worth removing these to prevent confusion.



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