Martin van den Bemt wrote:
Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
Nick Burch wrote:
Although as part of this I'd like to see Marc Johnson's committer access
restored.  He's emailed about this like a dozen times, refaxed his
committer agreement at least once over.  Okay I'm whining.

Never saw a message about this.. Can you give me some insight about this ? If I 
can help out I will,
 but you can also have this fixed after you become TLP..
Marc Johnson was an original POI committer/project founder. For various reasons the list stopped sending to him and stopped accepting his posts (I had the same problem). At some point his CVS access became disabled (I suspect someone was fixing group permissions or something) and after a good while he lost his password. At one point it was said that he hadn't sent his CLA, this was untrue (I was told this at once point as well). He sent another copy again. His account was still not re-enabled. He kind of gave up at some point. I had a similar but divergent saga and with your help it was resolved (thanks).

If someone on POI will be able to administer the account access that is acceptable. Otherwise nothing will change to improve that situation really.

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