On Wed, 16 May 2007, "Günter Kickinger" wrote:
> - Will there be ongoing work after POI 3.0?

Yes. The plan is to do a release at least every year. There are at least a
few bits of work already planned, that are waiting for 3.0 to go FINAL
before they get committed.

> - Are you planning to support the Open Document Form at which is used in
> Excel 2007?

The current codebase is focused entirely on supporting OLE2 based document
formats. ODF is xml based, so completely different.

One thing we might do is to work with an open source library that is
supporting ODF, and define a common set of interfaces for accessing excel
files. (That would make it much easier for users to switch between OLE2
and ODF files). The guys behind openxml4j were interesting in talking, so
we'll have to see if that leads anywhere.

Assuming the apache board approves our TLP proposal, in a few months time,
we might be in a position to sponsor an existing open source ODF library
through the apache incubator, and then have them join POI. That's
something we could consider if a suitable project was found, but there's
nothing on the cards for that now.

> - Will there be periodical releases or patches?

Releases, yes. Patches, not really, but there's always the svn trunk if
you want the latest code.


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